Wednesday 5 June 2013

Self -build Prospector canoe

For some time now, I have been looking into building a Prospector style canoe. There seems to be two methods of build. The first method is the most desireable, the strip build canoe, using Cedar. I have found that Cedar strips for this type of build are expensive, and also if you live in N.Ireland, very hard to purchase, without excess handling charges and shipping fees. All said and done it does make for a beautiful canoe. I contacted The Newfound Canoe building workshop in the USA, and was able to purchase the instruction video and plans. they were very helpful and answered any questions on building the project. you can easily find there website, the contact is Michael Vermouth.

The second method I found was the stitch and glue method, using marine grade ply, or wbp Grade ply. The overall end product is very sturdy, and like the cedar strip method, gains it's strength and rigidity from the fibreglass encapsulation. Although the ply method is more easy to construct, and much cheaper, it does not have the same smooth appearance of the cedar strip canoe. The ply version, is more angular in the hull shape, but if done well can look quite nice. Plans for the prospector ply canoe, can be bought from the selway fisher website, again easily found online. selway fisher, have been going for a long time and the designer has many projects to choose from. Plans and instructions can be bought online. For anyone who wants to build there own canoe, the links are as follows.

As far as epoxies go, MAS Epoxies seem to have the best reviews.
Make sure you take suitable precautions when using any epoxies, it can be hazardous stuff to work with, some getting allergic reactions or skin irritations, so read up on the safety notice supplied, or check out the FAQ's on working with fibreglass epoxies online.
I hope this helps